Noris Moreno, a sociology student at UCV, and Valentina Correia, an International Affairs student at UCV, figured as two of the top-5 places in RetoU 2020, a university program for the promotion of socially responsible leaders.
The project, which is sponsored by Rotary, Venamcham Social Alliance and Mercantil Bank Foundation, announced its results on November 12 after 9 months of training, evaluation of proposals, and opportunities for the young participants.
Noris Moreno obtained 2nd place with her social project “More Resilient”, which is an accompaniment and training program aimed at young people to develop soft skills and visualize opportunities that keep them away from teenage pregnancy, violence and school dropout.
Valentina Correia obtained 4th place with her “Guipuzcoana Project”, an educational initiative within the framework of Public Institutions, aimed at young university students who exercise leadership in the country and aims at training future public servants in Venezuela.
Carolina Naranjo obtained the “Welfare Mention” granted by the organization Integrando la Vida, for her project with which she seeks to provide personal growth tools to her colleagues at the José María Vargas medical school of the UCV. Integrando la vida is part of the organizations that support RetoU by delivering special recognitions to its participants.